Saturday, March 3, 2007

Week 8- #18

Online Productivity Tools

Woohoo! I'm almost done! So close, how excinting! :-)

K, for this exercise I signed-up for the Zoho Writer thing. It seems that there are a lot of useful things you can do on there. I tried creating a document and the page was loading FOREVER and so I never actually got to create it. Actually, I checked right now and I do have a document there that I was able to upload. What you can do, is create a document (letter, paper, etc.) on Zoho Writer and you can then publish it to your blog or even webpage. It's pretty cool. They even have a Spreadsheet thing you can use. There's also this sort of "Power Point" thing you can use to create slideshow presentations, all from the same website! I liked this exercise!


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