Thursday, February 8, 2007

Week 3- #5


Plaza de Zamora Michoacan

This is a picture I found on Flickr. It's the "Plaza de Zamora" in Michoacan, Mexico. I have family there who I miss very much and can't wait to visit (hopefully this Summer). There were many different pictures that I found on the site. I've always loved photography and seeing all these beautiful images make me want to go out and take random pics and see what I can come up with.

I used a different site to upload the picture...something I'm more familiar with.

1 comment:

dcard said...

actually that building is know as "El mercado de los dulces" "the candy market" it was first market at Zamora and was upgraded like 20 years ago, and regional candies and handcraft are sale there, nice place to visit.

I miss also Zamora, I have the advantage that I am not too far away, I live at Queretaro Now, but no other place like Zamora.